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Monday, June 28, 2010

Pressing the Reset Button!

Lots to catch up on. I've been SO sore past few days, I convinced myself even my fingers hurt and I couldn't type!

After my training session with Brian, Everything hurt.  EV-E-RY-THING!!!!! I have not hurt like this in ages!! At the gas station, it hurt to lift the pump.  It hurt to start my car.  It hurt to steer.  It hurt to blink.  I am officially back in the gym and I've got the battle wounds to prove it

Next up . . . My (free) consultation with the on-site Health and Nutrition Director, Dr. Josh McMillon.  I was initially just thankful that this meeting involved sitting ONLY - no sweating required. Thank GOD!

His first question: What are my goals? I say "To be fit and toned" - It seemed like a safe, mature answer. 
"Fit and toned can mean a lot of things," he says. "Serena Williams is fit and toned and so is Courtney Cox, but the TYPE of toned is different." With all due respect to Serena, I don't want to look like I could crush garbage trucks with my thighs. She looks awesome and God bless her for promoting a healthy body as opposed to the emaciated look that a ton of Hollywood stars are rockin. But Serena's figure . . .  on ME??? ummm . . . no.

"Definitely more Courtney Cox," I nod.  It hurts to move my head. Still sore.

It was at this point that I made a candid confession.  I told Dr. Josh that lately I really haven't had the motivation to do much of anything: work out, write, have fun with my family and friends. Lately, everything is just. .  . blah. 

Here's the thing blogosphere: it is HARD to admit your shortcomings to strangers or acquaintances. I'm sure you know that.  It contradicts everything we've been taught since childhood! Put your best foot forward, First impressions are everything, and so on. Those lessons make it pretty hard to tell someone you barely know "Um. . . yeah. . . . so I'm a slacker. Nice to meet ya!"  But, if he's going to help me, then I have to help him help me (Sorry, I watched Jerry McGuire earlier this week.  At least I didn't work in 'You complete me' to this post).

I start to confess all of my nutritional sins.  All of the late night snacking, the 3+ meals at restaurants per week and my long term love affair with Cheese-Its.  Ooooh Cheese-Its . . . You Complete Me (Doh!)

After my confessions, Dr. Josh summed up what I had been feeling for months: That I was on a serious downward spiral. 
                                                        The bad foods
                                                         Lead to bad moods
                                                        Which leads to a lazy butt
                                                        And a big fat GUT!
                                                                                     ~ A KZ Original Poem

He suggested that I needed to "press the reset button" on my diet. We needed drastic measures to get me out of this funk.  This was exactly what I was looking for. (Sidenote: Sorry, Mrs. Bowman, High School AP English teacher - I know I'm not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition).  "GO BIG OR GO HOME!" Dr. Josh cheered in reference to my efforts.  I wonder if his positive energy is available in pill form?

Before he could suggest specifically what I need to do, diet-wise, he took a body composition analysis by sticking some electrodes on my body.  The looked like little white stickers but the felt like a million watts of electricity running through my veins!!!!!!!! HA HA - - - just kidding. Gotcha.!!! Actually, I didn't feel it at all.  Results available within 24 hours.  In the meantime, he suggests that I take advantage of the free x-rays available through the Rapid Fitness at Glenwood just so he can see what's going on with my bones since I'm going to be working out vigorously.  I leave his office and slowly walk towards the door.  Quads hurt. Abs hurt. Wonder if his services include piggyback rides to my car?

Part of me wonders if I should partake in a "Last Supper" and say good-bye to pizza or fries or something.  Luckily the other part of me shouted "HELL NO!!!! NOT AFTER THE WORKOUT WE JUST DID!!"  And there it was - - - My very first hurdle.  And I conquered it. 

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