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Sunday, July 4, 2010

S is for Structure

This weekend has been brought to you by the letter S.  As in:

  •  Seventeen minutes past 7am - the time I woke up this morning. ON A SUNDAY
  •  Sixty.  The age of the guy who kicked my butt on the elliptical trainer in front of me this morning.  I was huffing and puffing after 17 minutes.  Meanwhile, he was laughing and singing after being on for almost 40 minutes
  • Sore. Still feeling the wrath of Evil Larry this week. But it's a good sore. I'm working muscles I haven't worked in ages. But I still can't give a High-5
  • Sushi.  I found a place that makes brown rice sushi!!
  • Soaking. As in wet. As in my clothes after my battle on the bike yesterday. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the bike was used as a torture device in medieval times.
  • Structure.  What I discussed on improving during my meeting with Dr. Josh on Friday. It has been noticeably absent from my life for a while.
 This has been a hard week.  So many new things all at once.  I completely changed my diet; I'm getting up earlier; I'm making (as opposed to ordering) my meals; I'm working out  (I worked out more this week than I have the past twelve months combined); and I'm trying to blog every step of the journey.  While change is good. . . change is freakin hard! 

I know that the first steps are always the hardest, but it's been difficult not to be hard on myself for having to take these steps. . . again.  But I can't beat myself up about the past (at least not until I take advantage of one of the gym's Body Combat or Kickboxing classes).  Besides, succeeding in these first few weeks back is going to take every ounce of energy I have.

From Monday until Thursday, Larry pushed my body to the limit. While I did finally get a camera to document my workouts, I'm extremely glad there was no camera to capture my face on my 11th or 12th rep of some of Larry's exercises. It was not cute.

 On a related topic, for the first time in a long time, I had no trouble whatsoever falling asleep at night.  The second my head hit the pillow. . . I was out.  And you're talking to someone who has struggled with insomnia on and off for the greater part of the decade. 

There have been moments where I've seriously thought about giving up and giving this blog a fairly abrupt/ anti-climactic ending w/ Journey's Don't stop believin' playing in the background (I'll give $1 to the first person who gets that reference) ~ but I've kept going. I haven't met any of my fitness goals yet (running on a 6.0 for 20 minutes without stopping, for example), but I have to remember that I won't get towards any of my goals by standing still.  Someone told me once that your dreams are like a moving bus, and you have to race to catch it. It won't come to you, you have to run to it.

This past Friday I had a check in with Dr. Josh.  He looked over my food journal which I had not done the best job at keeping up with this past week. As I mentioned previously, I admitted that I just didn't feel the motivation to write or do much of anything.  This week, Dr. Josh suggested that I work on creating some STRUCTURE in my life. Structure... I know I've heard that word before. Didn't that used to be a cheesy men's clothing store that had all the Boyz-2-Men sweater vests a guy could want?  He said without structure, long term success would be impossible.  Right now I have him and the trainers, but the point of all of this is so that they can re-teach me how to do this on my own.

He had me set a small life goal, a health goal, and a fitness goal. I decided that my health goal is going to be to make one, really nice, healthy dinner this week. My sister sent me a great recipe for roasted kelp that sounds pretty amazing. My life goal is going to be to wash my car and organize all the papers I have in it.  What does this have to do with anything? you might be wondering.  For me, it has to do with organization.  While it has nothing to do with writing, it is starting and finishing something which is what I haven't been able to do the past few months.  My fitness goal? I'm not really sure yet.  I'm kinda liking my early morning workouts.  Who said that? Maybe a few more of those this week. 

Lucky for me, we skip the weigh in this week (I'm not ready to see the number yet). But before I go, he checks out my grocery list and makes a few more suggestions. and no . . . I did not try and sneak Cheese-its on the list.

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