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Monday, July 12, 2010

Yes Kai, there IS a Santa Claus

    Friday I had my weekly appointment with Dr. Josh.  Yes, I'm a few days behind. I'm going to blame LeBron James.  Seems as though everyone in Ohio is blaming him for their problems this week. Why can't I?

    Dr. Josh asked me how I was doing and how the week went.  Figuring he wouldn't be that fascinated to hear about my eyebrow waxing debacle from earlier in the week (they are NOT supposed to look like two commas, Evil Eyebrow Lady), I answered with an eloquent "not bad".

    I then turned in my homework showed him my weekly food journal.  After a few minutes he said, "So. . . you're not eating enough".  Come again? Are we talking about the same food journal?  He pointed at an entry where I had two eggs and a pear for breakfast.  "The eggs are about 140 calories and the pear is probably about 100 calories. . . you needed about 100 extra calories in this entry."

    He could have just as well said 'Hey, everyone was just kidding the past 22 years, Santa Claus IS real! Yes Kai, there IS a Santa Claus!' and I don't think I would have been any happier.  I get to eat MORE?? MORE???  For years, I went on this diet or that diet and usually went to bed hungry and cranky and woke up hungrier and crankier. Now, I'm on a meal plan where not only am I grazing pretty consistently throughout the day, but I get to eat MORE than I thought??  Fetch me some penny loafers!  I feel the need to do a King of Pop "Woooo!!" and obligatory snapping knee kick thing!!!

   Dr. Josh then asked me how this past week went.  As far as my health assignment from last week, to make a meal, I give myself an A+!!!  I made not one, but two meals.  Nothing fancy, mind you.  But I reckon (I've always wanted to say that) I made two pretty fabulous dinners.

   Now my life assignment from last week, washing my car, was another story.  While I've told the procrastinator inside me to go away, it seems to not really be in the mood to do that right now. . . maybe tomorrow.  So washing the car stays on as a life assignment.  In addition to that, I am adding something new. I'm picking 10 random Facebook friends and telling them how much I applaud them for whatever it is they are pursuing.  Achieving your dreams isn't easy.  Everyone has those days where you feel like giving up, put the covers over your head and go back to sleep.  I have received an amazing amount of support from friends, co-workers and even strangers since starting this blog.  And every little bit of encouragement has helped me tremendously. I want to give that back to other people.  So this week I'm going to verbally pat 10 friends on the back. . . . and wash the car.

   Other than that, my week has been ok. I didn't cheat on my eating plan.  In fact, I'm beginning to resent the doughnuts, pasta salad, candy, etc. sitting in the pantry.  In the past when I've gone on DIEts, I've purged my surroundings of anything remotely unhealthy (secret candy stash in the sock drawer - gone, secret chip stash over the fridge - gone).  Then when presented with temptation (walking past Sprinkles Cupcakes in Beverly Hills, for example), I'd fail, b/c I hadn't practiced restraint.  I'm not advising everyone to go out and buy a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts and just stare at them to build up your tolerance to temptation.  That may not work for you.  But in my case, it's working because I'm getting angry, literally angry at the foods that try to tempt me and hold me back from my goal. It's like the doughnuts, ice cream and cookies are the Mean Girls and I'm the nerdy girl with a heart of gold who's finally learning to stand up for herself (I wonder who would play me in the movie version!). 

   I'm not saying that I will never, until the end of time, have another doughnut or piece of pie (Marie Callender will always be my homegirl!). That's just not realistic.  But am I salivating thinking about having a doughnut or a piece of pie now?  Not really.  At least not today.  And that's a start!

P.S. - I don't know what's going on with the paragraph spacing right now on Blogger.  It's acting weirdo. I'm going to blame LeBron

P.P.S - Yesterday, I mentioned the fantabulous Ollie and Jerry song, "There's No Stoppin Us" in a mobile post.  Since I don't have a relevant picture to post for today, please enjoy the video below.  You're Welcome.

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