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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

. . . say HA-AY!!

 First thing's first. . . MY FIRST PICTURE!!! VICTORY!! Yeah, so I'm not the most tech savvy person so this 1st picture post is quite an accomplishment. Woo-hoo!

What exactly is this? you might be wondering. This, my friends, is the Precor 100i and it is my new best friend (aside from James Bond, my dog).  If your gym doesn't have one, honestly, you should go complain because they are robbing you of its awesomeness.

I discovered this machine on Monday.  Normally, I am not a big one on trying new things. Mainly because I hate looking stupid.  I do it unintentionally way too many times a day to seek out opportunities to look stupid on purpose.  Every cut, bruise, sprain or dislocation (a pinky, nothing hardcore like a shoulder) has been due to klutziness.  But I needed to get closer to the TV to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians (yeah, I admit it), so I decided to give it a try.  SO glad I did.

It's hard to describe it if you've never been on it but it's like a stair climber, elliptical and treadmill all in one. It  adapts to your motion. So cool! And it's so fluid, it feels like you're doing the workout in water.  Let me say that again: It's like doing a water workout WITHOUT THE WATER!!!!! All the curly haired ladies in the house say HA-AY!!!

Even though I was sweating, my knees weren't cursing me out.  And the best part. . . I made it 30 minutes. SUCCESS!!

For me, this was a great find.  I love running (inside! I am not outdoorsy) but I HATE, HATE, HATE the bike. I wish I liked it b/c sometimes the treadmill gets boring. But I've hated bikes since I was little. I can't help but hear the Wicked Witch of the West theme music in my head when I see one. I'm completely serious.  I made it through college and four-and-a-half years in Manhattan, NY where everyone is whizzing around on a bike without ever getting on one.  While living in LA, I thought I could man up and get a beach cruiser so I could put my James Bond in a basket in the front.  But I got hives in the bike store and had to leave. The only way I was able to handle a bike during my week with Larry is because he was standing over me. It would have been too embarrassing to say: Ummm, yeah, so I hear the Wicked Witch of the West song in my head every time I get on a bike and that makes me not want to ride it. Ever.  Like I said, I do enough things to embarrass myself unintentionally throughout the day.  I didn't need to throw that log on the fire.

Anyways, the Precor 100i is PERFECT. Such a great cardio workout without any of the strain.
Now, if you go to Rapid Fitness and you start using this as a result of reading this, HOORAY!! But the polite thing to do when you see me coming would be to get off so I can get on since I'm the one who told you about it (I kid, I kid. . . . kinda)

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